Buddhist Art


The earliest Indian art representations of the Buddha did not depict him in human form but instead his presence was indicated instead by a sign, such as a pair of footprints, an empty seat, or an empty space beneath a parasol. When the human depiction of the Buddha began in the first century A.D., there were many Roman influences in the artistic style with wavy curls and toga-like apparel. One of the most fascinating things about art is that it is typically representative of it’s time and culture. While art can give clues into specific lifestyles of ancient peoples it can also be confusing to historians and to costume designers because one must decide what is historically accurate and what is artistic license.






One thought on “Buddhist Art

  1. Buddha art is definitely a fascinating topic, especially considering the different depictions of him. Many western ideas about his appearance is that he’s a chubby, jovial looking man. However, many argue against this, and that it is a misrepresentation. I never thought about the type of clothing that the Buddha figures would wear, and the clothing would take on different forms based on artistic interpretation.


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